Ecological commitment


Our campsite enjoys an exceptional and rare setting, surrounded by natural areas. To the north and east is the Bagnas nature reserve (561 hectares) and to the south is the Mediterranean Sea, dunes and sand.
The sound of the birds in the nature reserve and the waves in the distance will lull your stay.
In its green setting, where Mediterranean trees and species have been planted for over 50 years, the campsite is home to a number of wild species such as migratory birds, little egrets, tawny owls, nightingales, hoopoes, lizards, bats and squirrels.
In winter, foxes, badgers and squirrels can be seen stealthily in the deserted alleys of the campsite.
You can see the Bagnas Nature Reserve from a wooden promontory at the extreme north-west of the campsite on the archery area (Allée O), you can observe the bird species through binoculars. Two hectares of greenery in a magnificent setting are at your disposal outside archery hours.

The campsite has installed a vegetable garden (access Bagnas alley O in the North West of the campsite), you can exchange plants, seeds, vegetables, fruits and meet Valerie the person in charge of the vegetable garden. It has a water reserve to accommodate the aquatic fauna near the Bagnas, as well as devices for insects (insect hotels and nesting boxes). Participatory workshops have been set up to build nests for bats, swallows, etc. Nature lovers, don’t hesitate to visit the vegetable garden!

At the René Oltra campsite, we think about the environment!

1 - Energy saving

 Use of low-energy light bulbs
 Lights on the campsite are set on a timer
 We switch off electrical appliances at the end of the day
 Insulation of the hydraulic network to avoid heat loss, green energy label in progress
 Use of electric carts
 Free Rosalies (pedal carts) are available on registration to move around the campsite.

2 - Water saving

 Installation of water pressure reducers; presto taps in the sanitary facilities (with push button) to limit water consumption, thus reducing water pressure.
 Watering of plantations in the evening to avoid water loss in full sun.
 Installation of timers for watering.

 Installation of an active oxygen device for anti-limescale treatments which limits water leaks.
 Electric car with charging point at the entrance of the campsite.

3 - Sorting guide

The stages of selective sorting :
Separate your waste every day.
Temporarily store household packaging, paper, newspapers, magazines and glass for recycling. Easily transport this household waste to the appropriate containers which are listed on the map (8 selective sorting points on the campsite).
Composting is a process of transformation of organic waste, allowing it to be recycled and reused as fertiliser. It is currently in place in the vegetable garden, access Bagnas Allée Olivier.
For vegetable waste, a new system of shredding of plants is effective, this vegetable shredding is spread to preserve the humidity at the foot of trees and hedges and allows an organic and natural amendment.

4 - Waste management and environmental protection

- Selective sorting: 8 collection points within the campsite.
- We limit our packaging.
- Reuse of paper documents as drafts.
 We limit printing.
- Priority is given to email exchanges over postal mail.
- Use of organic cleaning products.
- We do not use weedkillers.
 Use of environmentally friendly and Ecolabel cleaning products.
 Returnable bottles in our shops to generate less waste.

Short circuit
 Promoting local producers. (e.g.: the shellfish shop Audrey and Raymond at the entrance to the campsite are shellfish producers).
 Priority to short circuits, wines, vegetables, etc...
 Choice of local craftsmen for work on the campsite.

5 - Let’s all act together to preserve the environment

 Turn off the lights, heaters, jacuzzi and especially the air conditioning when you are away.
 Turn off the coffee machine or any electrical appliance after use.
 Sort your waste (packaging, glass, batteries).
 Pick up your papers and cigarette butts when you go out and especially on the beach (beach ashtrays will be given to you during your stay).
 Limit water consumption when washing dishes or taking showers.
 Turn off the taps and do not let the water run unnecessarily.
 Do not throw toxic products or paints in the toilets.
 Carpool with your neighbours to run errands.

6 - Landscape integration

 Priority is given to wood for the construction of the campsite infrastructures (mobile homes and terraces, children’s structures, etc.). The VULCAIN sanitary facilities in Aisle L 47 and Aisle O of the campsite are of wooden construction.
 Priority given to the environment, these new wooden structures do not have concrete foundations, they can be dismantled to avoid impacting the ground.
 Creation of the beds and separating hedges with plantations from our region, we have favoured Mediterranean species requiring little watering.

7 - Actions in progress and to come

 Collection point for used batteries and light bulbs.
 Collection point for plastic bottle caps.
 Grease trap in the restaurant.
 Production of vegetables and herbs in our village in partnership with our residents.
 Partnership with a company for the recycling of cigarette filters.
 Installation of a composter for organic waste for the moment only for our catering team.

8 - The Bagnas nature reserve

The Bagnas reserve is a site of high biological value and offers a staging and nesting ground for more than 240 species of breeding, passing or migratory birds that can be observed throughout the year.
Thus, water warblers, spring wagtails and swallows take advantage of this migratory stopover, along with rarer species such as the osprey, kingfisher, black stork, jack snipe, peregrine falcon and hansel tern...
This reserve is also home to mammals, hedgehogs, badgers, weasels, bats, fish, and other birds such as cranes, herons, flamingos, cormorants, gulls, nightingales, geese...
In order to preserve these rare and fragile natural environments, regulations prohibit access to the dunes. However, this sector is subject to over-frequentation, which degrades it a little more each day, endangering its biodiversity. Thus, all year round and on a regular basis, the agents of the nature reserve patrol the area, reminding the public of the regulations, in order to inform and raise awareness. We invite you to respect these regulations under penalty of a fine from the public authorities (135€ fine).

Friends campers, if you find a wild animal in distress, (example, hedgehogs...) you can bring it to the Potager (Allée O bagnas) or contact the Centre de Sauvegarde de la Faune Sauvage de Villeveyrac - LPO

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